
Fritz-Wunderlich-Musiktage 2023 (vom 17.-23.09.2023 in Kusel)

Fritz-Wunderlich-Musiktage 2023 (vom 17.-23.09.2023 in Kusel)

Unter der Schirmherrschaft von Ministerpräsidentin Malu Dreyer fanden vom 17. bis 23. September 2023 in Kusel nun zum achten Mal die Fritz-Wunderlich-Musiktage statt.Höhepunkt und Abschluss der Musiktage bildete das Konzert der Preisträger am Samstag, den 23....

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THE 12 TENORS zu Besuch im Fritz-Wunderlich-Museum

THE 12 TENORS zu Besuch im Fritz-Wunderlich-Museum

09.03.2022 / 16:30 – 17:00 Uhr THE 12 TENORS zu Gast im Fritz-Wunderlich-Museum in Kusel Seit mehr als 12 Jahren gelten THE 12 TENORS als eine der erfolgreichsten Tenorformationen der Welt. Stimmgewaltig und charmant begeistern sie ihr Publikum auf Konzerten in...

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The Fritz-Wunderlich-Street

This ist he main street which runs through Kusel. It starts at the beginning of the Trierer Straße and runs to the beginning of the Glanstraße. This is the federal road (B420). In November 1969 the city council decided to rename the Alte Straße in Fritz Wunderlich...

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The Wunderlich Trail

The Wunderlich Trail

Music is undoubtedly a connecting element between people just like trails connect different parts of the country with each other. And so the name Fritz Wunderlich is a synonym for a biking and hiking trail, which connects the two states Rhineland Palatinate with the...

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Fritz Wunderlich Hall

Fritz Wunderlich Hall

The hall was built next to the school centre on the Roßberg and is used as an autitorium and civic centre. It was inaugurated in 1885. The town of Kusel, the municipality and the district of Kusel jointly worked together on the project and the state Rhineland...

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Memorial Stone at the Winterhelle

Memorial Stone at the Winterhelle

On the 10th day of Fritz Wunderlich’s death, the 17th of September 1976, a memorial stone was unveiled at the entrance of a wooden area on the outskirts of Kusel (Winterhelle). Fritz Wunderlich often went hunting in these woods. The „Verkehrsverein“ Kusel took the...

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The bust of Fritz Wunderlich in the Benzino Park

The bust of Fritz Wunderlich in the Benzino Park

In the Benzinopark on Trierer Straße you can find a bronze bust of Fritz Wunderlich.This piece of artwork was made by Professor Erich Koch. He worked on it from October 1972 until February 1973 with short interruptions. He casted the bust out of bronze and used a...

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The House Hollerstrasse 9

The House Hollerstrasse 9

The National Socialist Assistance for War Victims had released the grounds in a part of Kusel called “Holler“ in order to build small houses. The structural work was already completed by the end of 1934. Sixty more houses were built between 1935 and 1936.War invalids...

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The House Schwebelstrasse 13

The House Schwebelstrasse 13

In 1933, the Wunderlich family sold the inn and rent a small house on Schwebel Street No 13 next to the Kuhn’s locksmith shop. Their new home was located not far from Trierer Street and they lived there for three years.

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